Pseudobishop Robert Francis Hennessey (with his altar girls) listens and presides over pseudopastor John Unni's sermon and promise to have an abomination of desolation according to the Novus Ordo Sodomite Rite.
John Unni, Presider of the Rainbow Ministry at St Cecilia's Church, Boston, Mass., during the Sodomic Novus Ordo Rite declared to a motley of 700 people on Sunday evening on July 10, 2011:
“Thank you for saying, ‘This is who we are,’ ’’ Unni said to gay and lesbian parishioners at the end of Mass. “You are a beautiful and integral part of this parish.’’ (Boston Globe, July 11, 2011)
This Statement of St. Paul is NOT in Unni's Rainbow Ministry :(
"For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error." St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Ch. 1, v. 26-27.
June 19, 2011 - Archdiocese of Boston statement regarding prayer service at St. Cecilia Parish Boston
“The Archdiocese of Boston is committed to evangelization and to being a welcoming Church for all of God’s people. St. Cecilia’s is a wonderful example of the exceptional parishes in the Archdiocese which seek to serve the Catholic faithful with grace, dignity, respect, compassion and love and being devoted to the Gospel and Christ’s saving ministry.
The reports that the Mass, originally scheduled for June 19th, was cancelled are not accurate. Rather the Mass was postponed. As indicated in the statement of the Archdiocese on June 10, a Mass welcoming the wider community of the faithful, including gays and lesbians, will be held. The Mass has been rescheduled to Sunday, July 10th at 11am.
We respect the desire of those individuals organizing and participating in the prayer service. We know that the postponement of the June 19th Mass has been disappointing to them. Our hope and prayer is that we can come together as one community of Catholics sharing in the Lord’s divine love for each of us.”
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