Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Antipope & Pseudo-Queen Sacrileged Sagrada Familia

Before God and Man -- and the Cameras -- the "Pseudo-Traditional" Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger
Glad-hands the Cookie to the Pseudo-Queen of Spain

Queen of  Spain and Benedict-Ratzinger

Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger, Who Many Wrongly Think Is a "Traditional Pope"

Is Here Exposed as a Fraudster before God and Man

Gladhanding the Novus Ordo Cookie to the Pseudo-Queen on Spain on November 7, 2010

He Gives the Cookie on the Tongue only on Rare Occasions

When He Wants to Deceive the Motarians and Pseudo-traditionalists

On November 7, 2010, in front of God and man -- and the cameras --, Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger publicly glad-handed the Novus Ordo cookie in the hand to the Pseudo-Queen of Spain at the Sagrada Familia Novus Ordo temple. Even though a kneeler was provided for theatrical effect, the queen never knelt, even for Novus Ordo "communion." Nor did she wear a head covering. All in all, a really "traditional" moment with the Modernist Antipope!

Good Catholics, many Motarians and pseudo-traditionalists are deluded into thinking that Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger is a "traditional pope." Even Bernie Fellay, the SSPX's current false-superior general, seems to embrace this delusion. On the contrary, Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger is a fraudster. He gives the Novus Ordo cookie on the tongue only on rare occasions, when he wants to deceive the Motarians and pseudo-traditionalists.

Please pray for reparation and stop sacrilege for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!
