Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Reply to Paco on Infallibility & Indefectibility of Church Discipline

PACO aka "Ite ad Thomam" Blogger Stated:

The Disciplinary Infallibility of the Church: The Novus ordo Missae Cannot be Strictly Heretical
"The prayers prescribed or approved for universal use in public worship cannot be opposed to any revealed truth. Hence the axiom, Lex orandi est lex credendi,--the rule of prayer is the rule of faith."

The following is taken from Sylvester Berry, D.D., The Church of Christ (1927), Ch. XVI: "The Extent of Infallibility," pp. 503-9 (available from the ITOPL collection).

6th. Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Paco:

The Theological Proofs for the Infallibility & Indefectibility of Church Discipline are Affirmed.

On the contrary, the Novus Ordo Amissae is an "abomination of desolation" (Dan. 8:12) because of its heterodox and defective practices concerning general liturgical discipline.

I respond, the evil, heterodox, and schismatical practices of Pseudo-Altar Girls & Female "ministers" such as so-called Eucharistic handlers and Pseudo-Lectors are approved by Pseudo-Vatican Officialdom in the new Code of 1983 in its new inclusive language of persons in ministry and by the curial commission of official interpretation decree and by general discipline and praxis (e.g. Midnight Novus Ordo on Christmas at St Peter's, National Basilicas, and all sorts of notorious events, see proofs at Please confer the 1994 Modernist Rescript on official approval of Pseudo-Altar Girls & Female Pseudo-Ministers in interpretation of new 1983 Code Canon # 230 which promulgated this false-law of Modernism:

Do you recognize this sacrilegious and schismatical abuse is practiced by BENEDICT XVI and his Pseudo-bishops for so many years now as a general discipline? (Or are you unaware of the delicta graviora?)

So either it's sacrilege or not.

If it's a sacrilege, such a Novus Ordo is not the pleasing August Sacrifice of Mass in communion with Orthodox Rome, then that means the Apostolic See is Vacant; or

The gates of hell prevailed.

The latter is impossible (Matthew 16:16-19). So therefore it follows, manifestly Rome is Sede Vacante because the Catholic Church's general discipline is infallible and indefectible, and no gate of hell (i.e. heresiarch) can prevail against Her!

The contrary position is to embrace the Heretical Depravity & Schismatical Sacrileges of Modernism as holy and infallible--but I doubt anyone with common sense and good will would dare to do so? Unfortunately, certain men like Pseudo-Bishop Fernando ArĂȘas Rifan have done so.

The Pontifical Magisterium has condemned the heresy that states that the Catholic Church's Sacred Liturgy of whatever approved Rite can contain impious or heretical elements and practices within its discipline.

Catholics must reject all Modernism and Modernists. The Novus Ordo is a Rite of Modernism promulgated and practiced by Modernists on a world-wide scale. Therefore, I reject the synthesis of all heresies in its substance of "Semper Reformata" in Damned Rites, i.e. nova lex orandi Modernismi, nova lex credendi Modernismi, and its abominable heretical, apostate, and schismatical sacrileges that do not communicate in the Divine Mystery, but in profanity and final damnation (Cf. St. Jerome's Letter 15).


Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse.

Pseudo-Vatican Approved Altar Girls

Congregation for Divine Worship
Following is the text of a communication sent from the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to the presidents of episcopal conferences permitting altar girls.

Rome, 15 March 1994


It is my duty to communicate to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences that an authentic interpretation of Canon 230 #2 of the Code of Canon Law will soon be published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

As you know, Canon 230 #2 lays down that:

"Laici ex temporanea deputatione in actionibus liturgicis munus lectoris implere possunt; item omnes laici muneribus commentatoris, cantoris aliisve ad normam iuris fungi possunt."

The Pontifical Council for the interpretation of Legislative Texts was recently asked if the liturgical functions which, according to the above canon, can be entrusted to the lay faithful, may be carried out equally by men and women, and if serving at the altar may be included among those functions, on a par with the others indicated by the canon.

At its meeting of 30 June 1992, the members of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts examined the following which had been proposed to them:

Utrum inter munera liturgica quibus laici, sive viri sive mulieres, iuxta C.I. C. Can. 230 #2, fungi possunt, adnumerari etiam possit servitium ad altare.

The following response was given: "Affirmative et iuxta instructiones a Sede Apostolica dandas."

Subsequently, at an Audience granted on 11 July 1992 to the Most Reverend Vincenzo Fagiolo, Archbishop Emeritus of Chieti-Vasto and President of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts, Pope John Paul II confirmed the decision and ordered its promulgation. This will be done in the near future.

In communicating the above information to your Episcopal Conference, I feel obliged to clarify certain aspects of Canon 230 #2 and of its authentic interpretation:

1) Canon 230 #2 has a permissive and not a preceptive character: "Laici . . . possunt." Hence the permission given in this regard by some Bishops can in no way be considered as binding on other Bishops. In fact, it is the competence of each Bishop, in his diocese, after hearing the opinion of the Episcopal Conference, to make a prudential judgment on what to do, with a view to the ordered development of liturgical life in his own diocese.

2) The Holy See respects the decision adopted by certain Bishops for specific local reasons on the basis of the provisions of Canon 230 2. At the same time, however, the Holy See wishes to recall that it will always be very appropriate to follow the noble tradition of having boys serve at the altar. As is well known, this has led to a reassuring development of priestly vocations. Thus the obligation to support such groups of altar boys will always continue.

3) If in some diocese, on the basis of Canon 230 #2, the Bishop permits that, for particular reasons, women may also serve at the altar, this decision must be clearly explained to the faithful, in the light of the above-mentioned norm. It shall also be made clear that the norm is already being widely applied, by the fact that women frequently serve as lectors in the Liturgy and can also be called upon to distribute Holy Communion as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and to carry out other functions, according to the provisions of the same Canon 230 #3.

4) It must also be clearly understood that the liturgical services mentioned above are carried out by lay people ex temporanea deputatione, according to the judgment of the Bishop, without lay people, be they men or women, having any right to exercise them.

In communicating the above, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has sought to carry out the mandate received from the Supreme Pontiff to provide directives to illustrate what is laid down in Canon 230 #2 of the Code of Canon Law and its authentic interpretation, which will shortly be published.

In this way the Bishops will be better able to carry out their mission to be moderators and promoters of liturgical life in their own dioceses, within the framework of the norms in force of the Universal Church.

In deep communion with all the members of your Episcopal Conference. I remain

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Cardinal Antonio Maria Javierre Ortas