The so-called periodical "" proclaims the Modernist Heresiarch Joseph Ratzinger's recent molestation of a female altar server (see picture of a ratgirl passing the zuchetto) as being essentially Catholic, and they refuse to anathematize him as Antipope.
A recent but very poorly written article tries to claim one can be a "Catholic" and even "Pope" and have so-called "altar girls" in the Liturgy--while at the same time the author W.O. vomits SOUR GRAPES of "Fr." (?) Z about the mess and the crisis of priestly vocations being directly linked to the Feminist leakage caused by Antipope John Paul II. You cannot have it both ways, either "altar girls" is a Feminist, antimasculine, heretical, schismatial, witchcraftist, and damned innovation of Modernism, or it's essential Catholic! Which is it?W.O. thinks Modernism is Catholicism, he is surely in error! And further Modernism is not even Protestantism, in fact it is more heretical than Protestantism! So don't term people who attend the Novus Ordo Protestants, call them Modernists! This practice of so-called "altar girls" is not even historically Protestant (though the evolution of many heresies wrought this), i.e. Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, etc. according to the original practice of the heretical founders who would of attempted to forbid a woman in an active role of so-called Eucharistic service (so-called "altar girls, female lectors, extrordinary communion ministers", etc.) in a church because they would of acknowledged the Holy Bible's word on the matter albeit according to their false notions of canonization, esp. the Letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. On the contrary, W.O. does even agree with damned-heresiarch Martin Luther and the Protestant heresiarches on the matter, and I dare say that the original Protestants would of attempted to condemn W.O.'s theories in as much it would be offensive to their sentiments (and they would also condemn today's Modernist Protestants for the same Feminist heresy) as claiming to follow unscriptural and openly heretical, gnostic, and witchcraft practices historically condemned by the early Christian Church.
You can read M.O.'s weak sentiments yourself: Warning here is the link to his Modernist mess:’s-time-to-withdraw-it/
Hence arose the monstrous errors of "Modernism," which Our Predecessor rightly declared to be "the synthesis of all heresies," and solemnly condemned. We hereby renew that condemnation in all its fulness, Venerable Brethren, and as the plague is not yet entirely stamped out, but lurks here and there in hidden places, We exhort all to be carefully here and there in hidden places, We exhort all to be carefully on their guard against any contagion of the evil, to which we may apply the words Job used in other circumstances: "It is a fire that devoureth even to destruction, and rooteth up all things that spring" (Job xxxi. 12). Nor do We merely desire that Catholics should shrink from the errors of Modernism, but also from the tendencies or what is called the spirit of Modernism. Those who are infected by that spirit develop a keen dislike for all that savours of antiquity and become eager searchers after novelties in everything: in the way in which they carry out religious functions, in the ruling of Catholic institutions, and even in private exercises of piety. Therefore it is Our will that the law of our forefathers should still be held sacred: "Let there be no innovation; keep to what has been handed down." In matters of faith that must be inviolably adhered to as the law; it may however also serve as a guide even in matters subject to change, but even in such cases the rule would hold: "Old things, but in a new way." (Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum, 1 Nov. 1914, n. 25)