During the evening on Holy Thursday 2013, at a Novus Ordo Bugnini Meal Antipope Francis washed the feet of 12 young people of different nationalities and sects, including at least two Muslims and two women, who are housed at the juvenile detention facility.
The Secular Media has immediately picked up on Antipope Francis' break with Catholic Tradition for Maundy Thursday Liturgy and the implications of this heretical act towards creating a Novus Ordo female priesthood (maybe these witches will claim to be even greater than their warlock presbyters--i.e. presiders). It was written:
Chris Gillibrand, a British commentator, wrote on his blog, CathCon: "We will see whether it is a particular case, as Lombardi suggests, or the beginning of a journey. Given his active support for the charismatic movement in his diocese, one can only be concerned that he could be prepared to ordain women … How can the pope [sic] maintain discipline in the church if he himself does not conform himself to prevailing ecclesiastical legislation?"
Of course LAICA Network knows the Catholic Tradition has always excluded women during the Mandatum washing, it was reserved only for Catholic men, and the bishop would preferably wash the feet of his own priests in imitation of Christ at the Last Supper washing his Apostles' feet who he ordained to the priesthood. To follow the Lord's pattern is true humility, but to break away from that perfect pattern in order to pretend to oneself that his way is greater than the Lord's way, then that's really the sin of pride. Bergoglio's pride causes him to blind himself and his follower through a cloak of pseudo-humility in order to attempt to sugar coat his crimes before the world, that is the seduction within his delicta graviora that uniquely marks his guilt. He promotes openly the heresies, schisms, and apostasies of Modernism, Witchcraft, and Feminism but through the cloak of false-humility, which any orthodox Catholic will see is really the sin of pride that will only damn him and his abettors.
Cowards like Raymond Arroyo, George Weigel, "Fr."(?) Z, "Fr."(?) Fessio, Shawn Tribe, and other weak Novus Ordo personalities have failed to loudly anathematize and damn Jorge Bergoglio as a heretical Antipope along with all his followers on account of this act of sacrilege during the very day commemorating the Institution of the Holy Eucharist and Sacred Orders--which through Minor and Major Ranks is reserved by Divine Law for men alone!
This Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse! How can a archliturgical-abuser claim to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ? And how can anyone but a fool claim that man is true Pope of Rome?
Oddly, the Novus Ordo Sect under Joseph Ratzinger and CDF officialdom even considered the washing of females as tantamount to confirming the claim for woman priests. Here's a summary of Novus Ordo warning made back in 2006 re-iterating Ratzinger's Letter Paschales Solemnitatis of 1988:
Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday
3/29/2006 - 5:45 AM PST
And More on Days of Abstinence
ROME, MARCH 29, 2006 (Zenit) - Answered by Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university.
Q: I understand that it is in fact liturgically incorrect to have the main celebrant at the Holy Thursday Mass wash the feet of women. Correct? -- J.C., Ballina, Ireland. During the Holy Thursday liturgy at our parish, there are a number of foot-washing stations set up around the Church, and the people in the pews get up and bring someone else to one of the stations and wash their feet. Most of the people in Church take part in this, washing feet and in turn having their feet washed. It takes quite a while. Is this liturgically correct? Are there any norms for foot-washing during the Holy Thursday Mass? -- B.S., Naperville, Illinois. On Holy Thursday, at the washing of feet, the people, mostly youth, after having their foot washed, preceded to wash the next person's foot. Then they placed four bowls of water and four places before the altar, and the congregation was told to come forward and have their hands washed by the same people who just had their foot washed. We didn't. Everything felt out of order. -- E.K., Freehold, New Jersey
There has been no change in the universal norm which reserves this rite to men as stated in the circular letter "Paschales Solemnitatis" (Jan. 16, 1988) and the rubrics of the 2002 Latin Roman Missal.
No. 51 of the circular letter states: "The washing of the feet of chosen men which, according to tradition, is performed on this day, represents the service and charity of Christ, who came 'not to be served, but to serve.' This tradition should be maintained, and its proper significance explained."
Q: I understand that it is in fact liturgically incorrect to have the main celebrant at the Holy Thursday Mass wash the feet of women. Correct? -- J.C., Ballina, Ireland. During the Holy Thursday liturgy at our parish, there are a number of foot-washing stations set up around the Church, and the people in the pews get up and bring someone else to one of the stations and wash their feet. Most of the people in Church take part in this, washing feet and in turn having their feet washed. It takes quite a while. Is this liturgically correct? Are there any norms for foot-washing during the Holy Thursday Mass? -- B.S., Naperville, Illinois. On Holy Thursday, at the washing of feet, the people, mostly youth, after having their foot washed, preceded to wash the next person's foot. Then they placed four bowls of water and four places before the altar, and the congregation was told to come forward and have their hands washed by the same people who just had their foot washed. We didn't. Everything felt out of order. -- E.K., Freehold, New Jersey
There has been no change in the universal norm which reserves this rite to men as stated in the circular letter "Paschales Solemnitatis" (Jan. 16, 1988) and the rubrics of the 2002 Latin Roman Missal.
No. 51 of the circular letter states: "The washing of the feet of chosen men which, according to tradition, is performed on this day, represents the service and charity of Christ, who came 'not to be served, but to serve.' This tradition should be maintained, and its proper significance explained."
About a year ago, however, the Holy See, while affirming that the men-only rule remains the norm, did permit a U.S. bishop to also wash women's feet if he considered it pastorally necessary in specific cases. This permission was for a particular case and from a strictly legal point of view has no value outside the diocese in question.
I believe that the best option, as "Paschales Solemnitatis" states, is to maintain the tradition and explain its proper significance.
This means preparing the rite following liturgical law to the letter, explain its meaning as an evocation of Christ's gesture of service and charity to his apostles, and avoid getting embroiled in controversies that try to attribute to the rite meanings it was never meant to have.
Regarding the place and number of those whose feet are to be washed, the rubric, which has remained unvaried in the new missal, describes the rite as follows:
"Depending on pastoral circumstances, the washing of feet may follow the homily.
"The men who have been chosen are led by the ministers to chairs prepared in a suitable place. Then the priest (removing his chasuble if necessary) goes to each man. With the help of the ministers he pours water over each one's feet and dries them."
The number of men selected for the rite is not fixed. Twelve is the most common option but they may be fewer in order to adjust to the available space.
Likewise the place chosen is usually within or near the presbytery so that the rite is clearly visible to the assembly.
Thus, the logical sense of the rubric requires the priest, representing Christ, washing feet of a group of men taken from the assembly, symbolizing the apostles, in a clearly visible area.
The variations described above -- of washing the feet of the entire congregation, of people washing each other's feet (or hands), or doing so in situations that are not visible to all -- tend to undermine the sense of this rite within the concrete context of the Mass of the Lord's Supper.
Such practices, by greatly extending the time required, tend to convert a meaningful, but optional, rite into the focal point of the celebration. And that detracts attention from the commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, the principal motive of the celebration.
In other circumstances, such as retreats or so called para-liturgical services, it can be perfectly legitimate to perform foot-washing rites inspired by Christ's example and by the liturgy. In such cases none of the limitations imposed by the concrete liturgical context of the Holy Thursday Mass need apply.
* * *
I believe that the best option, as "Paschales Solemnitatis" states, is to maintain the tradition and explain its proper significance.
This means preparing the rite following liturgical law to the letter, explain its meaning as an evocation of Christ's gesture of service and charity to his apostles, and avoid getting embroiled in controversies that try to attribute to the rite meanings it was never meant to have.
Regarding the place and number of those whose feet are to be washed, the rubric, which has remained unvaried in the new missal, describes the rite as follows:
"Depending on pastoral circumstances, the washing of feet may follow the homily.
"The men who have been chosen are led by the ministers to chairs prepared in a suitable place. Then the priest (removing his chasuble if necessary) goes to each man. With the help of the ministers he pours water over each one's feet and dries them."
The number of men selected for the rite is not fixed. Twelve is the most common option but they may be fewer in order to adjust to the available space.
Likewise the place chosen is usually within or near the presbytery so that the rite is clearly visible to the assembly.
Thus, the logical sense of the rubric requires the priest, representing Christ, washing feet of a group of men taken from the assembly, symbolizing the apostles, in a clearly visible area.
The variations described above -- of washing the feet of the entire congregation, of people washing each other's feet (or hands), or doing so in situations that are not visible to all -- tend to undermine the sense of this rite within the concrete context of the Mass of the Lord's Supper.
Such practices, by greatly extending the time required, tend to convert a meaningful, but optional, rite into the focal point of the celebration. And that detracts attention from the commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, the principal motive of the celebration.
In other circumstances, such as retreats or so called para-liturgical services, it can be perfectly legitimate to perform foot-washing rites inspired by Christ's example and by the liturgy. In such cases none of the limitations imposed by the concrete liturgical context of the Holy Thursday Mass need apply.
* * *
Here's the traditional Catholic Mandatum ceremony out of the Missale Romanum as decred by Council of Trent and executed into publication by Pope St. Pius V:
Here's the traditional Catholic Mandatum ceremony out of the Missale Romanum as decred by Council of Trent and executed into publication by Pope St. Pius V:
Only a fool wouldn't think the man who said "Ecclesia semper reformanda" couldn't be a Modernist prepared to accept any novelties evolved out of the living germ of Modernism, that is through the development of doctrine. Antipope Benedict XVI realized it was time for #Change, hence the next step of Modernism and its development of heresy manifestly is taking effect. That was always the plan for the Novus Ordo's Reform of the Reform, meaning perpetual Modernism, keeping the Novus Ordo always "New" always changing to so-called social progress and evening mixing it up with some elements of the old Liturgy in order to try to pervert things together even at the seemingly minimal degree of contamination. So Bergoglio has simply "washed" Ratzinger's
Novus Ordo Reform of the Reform towards greater crimes of Modernism even if its contaminated with dirty water there will be Motu-Modernists who'll drink from that "kool-aid" bowl.
Of course the sacrileges of Modernism is nothing new to Antipope Bergoglio's careerism of heresy, to know this, you only have to ask Argentina why she cries so much?
Of course the sacrileges of Modernism is nothing new to Antipope Bergoglio's careerism of heresy, to know this, you only have to ask Argentina why she cries so much?
Jorge Bergoglio giving Novus Ordo Communion to the crowds in Buenos Aires. The pseudo-cardinal is handing out hosts on August 7, 2004, at the Novus Ordo Mess on the feast day of St. Cajetan at the Sanctuary of St. Cajetan in the neighborhood of Liniers.
Sources (Caveat: We do not endorse these web pages):
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