Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse (LAICA).

Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse or LAICA (Latin--Abusia Liturgicalis Liberi Abusia Est) is a Catholic Network to defend the purity of rubrics and rites of the Sacrosanct Catholic Liturgy against the wicked destruction of innovators and invaders who molest and corrupt the lay youth of today (saecula laica) by means of schismatic creativity, heretical depravity of cult, and impure immorality contained within a unstable praxis that exists as the unorthodox Novus Ordo Modernist Sacrilege.

LAICA wishes to demonstrate by ecclesiastical documents and decrees of the Apostolic See how to obey the legitimate prescriptions of liturgical rites, while also supplying updated evidence of the manifest delicta graviora of abuse to warn the faithful to shun and publicly report such clerical abuse in order to protect themselves, their children, and others from such pseudo-clergy and their wicked abomination unto desolation.

LAICA invites you to actively participate in this blog forum and network with your friends so that the information can be shared on an universal scale, while at the same time participants should take the opportunity to share documents and evidence in form of video, pictures, links, and descriptions about such matters so all can be ready to defend the Catholic Faith against all such impieties by exposing the damned sacrileges and all those who are responsible. We wish by God's grace to be an instrument of healing, peace, and strength for all lay people of today who have been sacrilegiously abused and even outright abandoned by wolves in sheep's clothing.

We with the solid union of the Holy Roman Church strongly warn those who innovate in the rites and rubrics of sacraments and liturgies are committing acts of liturgical abuse which is to be in the state of damnation and anathema, regardless of what rank or status they claim, and they will depart to eternal hell, unless they shall convert to the Orthodox Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church. We earnestly pray for God's Mercy that those who have committed such grave sins against the Holy Mysteries will acknowledge and abjure their error, do penance, and make full amends to all affected as the Holy Mother Church so commands.

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