An Altar-girl Carries the Processional Cross
At Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger's Mess of
Novus Ordo Pseudo-Beatification of Cardinal Newman
Benedict-Ratzinger Frequently Uses Altar-girls at His Messes
Although He Falsely Poses as a So-Called "Traditionalist" when It Suits
His Purpose To Garner Pew-warmers and Money for His New Order
An altar-girl prominently carries with the pontifical processional cross ahead of Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger before his Mess Novus Ordo-beatifying invalidly John Henry Cardinal Newman at Cofton Park in Birmingham, England, September 19, 2010. The Mess drew about half the number expected, far fewer than 40,000. Newdioceses in Britain couldn't sell the tickets and returned many to Newvatican. Some Newchurchers felt cheated and demanded their money back from Newvatican.
It's Not All For You! You can view with discretion this abomination of Modernism via BCTV:
Cardinal Newman, of course, who was truly traditional, never used altar-girls and would have considered Benedict-Ratzinger an unCatholic antipope to reject Catholic Sacramental theology in this way, as he wrote about Arianism so it applies today to Neo-Arianism, that is, Modernism has engulfed the Apostasy of most clergy and even an antipope has usurped the Vatican, as Cardinal Newman and his disciple Fr. Henry Ryder wrote:
"It is not a little remarkable that, though historically speaking
the fourth century is the age of the doctors, illustrated as it is, by
the Saints Athanasius, Hilary, the two Gregories, Basil, Chrysostom,
Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine (and all those saints bishops also,
except one, nevertheless in that very day the divine tradition committed
to the infallible Church was proclaimed and maintained far more by the
faithful than by the episcopate....
"I mean still, that in that time of immense confusion the divine
dogma of Our Lord's divinity was proclaimed, enforced, maintained, and
(humanly speaking) preserved, far more by the Ecclesia docta ("the
taught Church" -- the faithful) than by the Ecclesia docens ("the
teaching Church" -- the Magisterium); that the body of the Episcopate
was unfaithful to its commission, while the body of the laity was
faithful to its baptism....
"On the one hand, then, I say that there was a temporary
suspension of the functions of the Ecclesia docens. The body of bishops
failed in their confession of the faith. There was weakness, fear of
consequences, misguidance, delusion ... extending itself into nearly
every corner of the Catholic Church. (The Arians of the Fourth Century,
"It has always been maintained by Catholic theologians that for
heresy the Church may judge the Pope, because, as most maintain, by
heresy he ceases to be Pope. There is no variance on this head amongst
theologians that I know of, except that some, with Turrecremata and
Bellarmine, hold tha by heresy he ipso facto ceases to be Pope: whilst
others, with Cajetan and John of St. Thomas, maintain that he would not
formally [as opposed to materially] cease to be Pope until he was
formally deposed.
"The privilege of infallible teaching belongs only to an undoubted
Pope; and on the claims of a doubtful, disputed Pope the Church has the
right of judging. No single example can be produced of a Pope whose
orthodoxy and succession ws undoubted upon whom the Church pretended to
sit in judgment.... During a contested Papacy the state of things
approximates to that of an interregnum. The exercise of active
infallability is suspended." (Catholic Controversy, 6th ed., Burns &
Oates, pp. 30-31)
Catholics must know the Faith about the Sacred Liturgy (Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi), please confer the page "The Pontifical Catholic Magisterium Against Liturgical Abuses & Sacrileges" for more information.
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