Charles Chaput's Installation of Singing Canwitch as Chori Pseudoepiscopus is part of his plan for 'Renew This Great Church' of Modernism which took place on Sept. 8, 2001 at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, PA (and was aired live on EWTN).
What's a chori episcopus? A Catholic Dictionary by William Edward Addis defines it as:
So what is a woman acting as a choir bishop or cantor (which is a minor order in the Eastern Church)? Well Chaput announced his commitment to the Renewal of the "failed church" of Sean O'Malley who was present at the abomination, and who is quoted to say recently about Child Abuse:
"Having met with hundreds of survivors, I know firsthand the scars you carry," he said. "And I carry with me every day the pain of the church's failures. I express once again my sorrow for your pain and my apology for any way the church and its clergy have failed you."
"Fr."(?) Z picked up on this common unbelief when he commented on the Installation ceremony (not mentioning the canwitch) but quoting the pseudobishop himself who continues O'Malley's sentiments about Child Abuse and a falied church:
"This Church in Philadelphia faces very serious challenges these days. There’s no quick fix to problems that are so difficult, and none of us here today, except the Lord Himself, is a miracle worker. But it’s important to remember and to believe the Church is not defined by her failures. And you and I are not defined by our critics or by those who dislike us. What we do in the coming months and years to respond to these challenges – that will define who we really are. And in engaging that work, we need to be Catholics first, and always. Jesus Christ is the center of our lives, and the Church is our mother and teacher. Everything we do should flow from that."
So, Z since when can "the Church Mother and Teacher" fail at anything? The Holy Catholic Church is Immaculate and Indefectible. To say the contrary is to deny the dogma of Ecclesial Indefectibility, which not a few have done in regards to the Church's Sacred Liturgy.
Of course a witchcan is most evil, impious, schismatical, heretical, and abominable apostate, therefore the sacrilege manifests a certain beastly mark of defectibility in the Modernist sect's ugly constitution, but remember this whore of Babylon is NOT the Catholic Church, but rather it's the antichurch full of the mystery of iniquity. As all Catholics realize, the liturgical abuse of women trying to usurp the place in the liturgical choir or cantor has been always condemned because they are not allowed to sing in the church during public worship according to divine command (Cf. Saint Paul Speaks), and most notably the Holy Father Pope Saint Pius X taught this dogma:
"On the same principle it follows that singers in church have a real liturgical office, and that therefore women, being incapable of exercising such office, cannot be admitted to form part of the choir. Whenever, then, it is desired to employ the acute voices of sopranos and contraltos, these parts must be taken by boys, according to the most ancient usage of the Church.
Finally, only men of known piety and probity of life are to be admitted to form part of the choir of a church, and these men should by their modest and devout bearing during the liturgical functions show that they are worthy of the holy office they exercise. It will also be fitting that singers while singing in church wear the ecclesiastical habit and surplice, and that they be hidden behind gratings when the choir is excessively open to the public gaze."(Tra le Sollecitudini, Instruction on Sacred Music, Motu Proprio promulgated on November 22, 1903)
In the final analysis, this "failed church" of Modernism continues to abuse children by Liturgical Abuse, etc. to bring forth the total loss of salvation for millions of souls.
Remember, please pray Catholic prayer to stop Liturgical Abuse which is Child Abuse!
I indignantly DENY that those who contend that St. Paul's austere precept and rigorous exaction in I Corinthians xiv.34/35 was ever intended to apply to singing deserve the benefit of the doubt: the traditional meaning is that it only forbids public haranguing and addressing the assembly in Church during the Divine Liturgy! The burden of proof is on those who say this verse also applies to singing and not just to speaking / haranguing / addressing an assembly.
ReplyDeleteNow, I AFFIRM that it IS an infallible and IRREFORMABLE DOGMA of the Catholic Church that it is INTRINSICALLY EVIL and INTRINSICALLY against the Natural Law for women to exercise a Liturgical / Clerical Office in Church!
However, the question of whether or not singers in church hold a real Liturgical / clerical office is only a DISCIPLINARY matter, and the true Catholic Church cannot err - not even in purely DISCPLINARY affairs - from the dogmas of faith & morals!
On December 25, 1955, Pope Pius XII granted the following indult in his decree Musicae Sacrae: 74. Where it is impossible to have schools of singers or where there are not enough choir boys, it is allowed that "a group of men and women or girls, located in a place outside the sanctuary set apart for the exclusive use of this group, can sing the liturgical texts at Solemn Mass, as long as the men are completely separated from the women and girls and everything unbecoming is avoided. The Ordinary is bound in conscience in this matter."
So. you are going to tell me that Pius XII violated Apostolic precept and DEFECTED from a DOGMA of Faith and Morals in allowing the Ordinary (i.e. the diocesan bishop) to grant this indult?
I am sick and tired of legalistic tyrannical BIGOTS like you, who make the Divine laws forbid more than they were intended to forbid!