“The changes are not substantive, but the Mass is going to sound a little different. I think we simply need to be helping all of our faithful people to get used to and prepare for some of those new sounds.
“In a very short period of time, we’ll become accustomed to them and we’ll simply take it as the normal way in which we celebrate Mass,” he added.
“I encourage every one of our Catholic faithful to use this as a moment now to reflect on what is happening at Mass, what these words signify, what they communicate, and what mystery is being re-presented on the altar.”
Talk about substantial changes ALREADY! On September 1, 2011, Donald Wuerl exsecrably celebrated a New Year of Feminism and Modernism mixed together (non ex Corde Ecclesiae erat) into a Schismatical and Heretical Unhappy Novus Ordo Meal at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception adjacent to CUA in Washington, D.C., for it was according to the Spirit of Satan that this sacrilege took place, as a matter of fact here's a feminist witch wearing a clerical-academic biretta (what novel abuse) leading in the Novus Ordo parade of Modernist Apostasy at the Basilica as captured in this picture from the EWTN video:
According to "Fr."(?) Z here's a description of the academic biretta for clergy:
Hey z-bird tweet @LAICAnetwork- is it licit to have a woman wear an academic-clerical biretta in a liturgical procession inside a Basilica? Hint to scoop: 2+2= 4 is true, 2+2= 5 is false; so smoke that in your z-pipe!
Anyhow, so far no complaining publicized by EWTN's Raymond Arroyo--it must be the Wuerl Over--or something like the New World Order Judaizer-Masonic Meal that keeps him into delicta graviora according to the Spirit of Modernism, so here's the video full of abuses and corruption of the youth which anyone with two eyes or even one eye can see (click link below):
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