Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Antipope & Pseudo-Queen Sacrileged Sagrada Familia

Before God and Man -- and the Cameras -- the "Pseudo-Traditional" Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger
Glad-hands the Cookie to the Pseudo-Queen of Spain

Queen of  Spain and Benedict-Ratzinger

Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger, Who Many Wrongly Think Is a "Traditional Pope"

Is Here Exposed as a Fraudster before God and Man

Gladhanding the Novus Ordo Cookie to the Pseudo-Queen on Spain on November 7, 2010

He Gives the Cookie on the Tongue only on Rare Occasions

When He Wants to Deceive the Motarians and Pseudo-traditionalists

On November 7, 2010, in front of God and man -- and the cameras --, Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger publicly glad-handed the Novus Ordo cookie in the hand to the Pseudo-Queen of Spain at the Sagrada Familia Novus Ordo temple. Even though a kneeler was provided for theatrical effect, the queen never knelt, even for Novus Ordo "communion." Nor did she wear a head covering. All in all, a really "traditional" moment with the Modernist Antipope!

Good Catholics, many Motarians and pseudo-traditionalists are deluded into thinking that Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger is a "traditional pope." Even Bernie Fellay, the SSPX's current false-superior general, seems to embrace this delusion. On the contrary, Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger is a fraudster. He gives the Novus Ordo cookie on the tongue only on rare occasions, when he wants to deceive the Motarians and pseudo-traditionalists.

Please pray for reparation and stop sacrilege for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Public Sacrilege of Pseudo-Bishop Fernando Arêas Rifan the False-Traditionalist of Brazil (SSJV)

An Altar-girl Carries the Processional Cross At Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger's Mess to Dishonor Cardinal Newman

An Altar-girl Carries the Processional Cross

At Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger's Mess of

Novus Ordo Pseudo-Beatification of Cardinal Newman

Benedict-Ratzinger Frequently Uses Altar-girls at His Messes

Although He Falsely Poses as a So-Called "Traditionalist" when It Suits

His Purpose To Garner Pew-warmers and Money for His New Order

An altar-girl prominently carries with the pontifical processional cross ahead of Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger before his Mess Novus Ordo-beatifying invalidly John Henry Cardinal Newman at Cofton Park in Birmingham, England, September 19, 2010. The Mess drew about half the number expected, far fewer than 40,000. Newdioceses in Britain couldn't sell the tickets and returned many to Newvatican. Some Newchurchers felt cheated and demanded their money back from Newvatican.

It's Not All For You! You can view with discretion this abomination of Modernism via BCTV:


What would Cardinal Newman Do?

Cardinal Newman, of course, who was truly traditional, never used altar-girls and would have considered Benedict-Ratzinger an unCatholic antipope to reject Catholic Sacramental theology in this way, as he wrote about Arianism so it applies today to Neo-Arianism, that is, Modernism has engulfed the Apostasy of most clergy and even an antipope has usurped the Vatican, as Cardinal Newman and his disciple Fr. Henry Ryder wrote:


"It is not a little remarkable that, though historically speaking
the fourth century is the age of the doctors, illustrated as it is, by
the Saints Athanasius, Hilary, the two Gregories, Basil, Chrysostom,
Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine (and all those saints bishops also,
except one, nevertheless in that very day the divine tradition committed
to the infallible Church was proclaimed and maintained far more by the
faithful than by the episcopate....
"I mean still, that in that time of immense confusion the divine
dogma of Our Lord's divinity was proclaimed, enforced, maintained, and
(humanly speaking) preserved, far more by the Ecclesia docta ("the
taught Church" -- the faithful) than by the Ecclesia docens ("the
teaching Church" -- the Magisterium); that the body of the Episcopate
was unfaithful to its commission, while the body of the laity was
faithful to its baptism....
"On the one hand, then, I say that there was a temporary
suspension of the functions of the Ecclesia docens. The body of bishops
failed in their confession of the faith. There was weakness, fear of
consequences, misguidance, delusion ... extending itself into nearly
every corner of the Catholic Church. (The Arians of the Fourth Century,


"It has always been maintained by Catholic theologians that for
heresy the Church may judge the Pope, because, as most maintain, by
heresy he ceases to be Pope. There is no variance on this head amongst
theologians that I know of, except that some, with Turrecremata and
Bellarmine, hold tha by heresy he ipso facto ceases to be Pope: whilst
others, with Cajetan and John of St. Thomas, maintain that he would not
formally [as opposed to materially] cease to be Pope until he was
formally deposed.

"The privilege of infallible teaching belongs only to an undoubted
Pope; and on the claims of a doubtful, disputed Pope the Church has the
right of judging. No single example can be produced of a Pope whose
orthodoxy and succession ws undoubted upon whom the Church pretended to
sit in judgment.... During a contested Papacy the state of things
approximates to that of an interregnum. The exercise of active
infallability is suspended." (Catholic Controversy, 6th ed., Burns &
Oates, pp. 30-31)

Catholics must know the Faith about the Sacred Liturgy (Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi), please confer the page "The Pontifical Catholic Magisterium Against Liturgical Abuses & Sacrileges" for more information.

Please pray to stop this sacrilege for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!

It's Not All For You! Irreverend James DiPerri abused "altar girls" on BCTV

Mortal Sin of Sacrilege - No, Dear Catholics - It's Not All For You!

On the Feast of Saint Wenceslaus, that is Tuesday, September 28th of 2010, a Modernist Sacrilege was celebrated by the Irreverend James DiPerri, who claimed to be from Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish in North Waltham, MA.

You will see two so-called female altar-boys (Katie & Sarah) usurping God's altar in violation of Sacred Tradition. This DiPerri is guilty of public sacrilege of schism and molestation of children.

You can see for free the entire on-demand video of this Novus Ordo abomination streaming online via BCTV (Viewer Discretion is Advised):

Please note the Pseudo-Director of BCTV - Irreverend Robert Reed - can be contacted in order to snap protest against such offensive acts of delicta graviora:

Attn: Robert Reed
PO Box 9196
34 Chestnut Street
Watertown MA 02471

Catholics must know the Faith about the Sacred Liturgy, please confer the page "The Pontifical Catholic Magisterium Against Liturgical Abuses & Sacrileges" for more information.

Please pray to stop this sacrilege for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Antipope Benedict's altar girls

Antipope Benedict's altar girls

On October 15, 2005, in a ceremony of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament realized at St. Peter's Square, Antipope Benedict XVI admitted girls on the altar. The tradition of the Church, which forbids women on the altar, never made an exception to altar girls.

The constant teaching of the Pontifical Magisterium before the Robber's Council of 1962-1965 is well expressed by the following words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XIV (Lambertini):

"Pope Gelasius in his ninth letter (chap. 26) to the Bishops of Lucania condemned the evil practice which had been introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass. Since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent IV strictly forbade it in his letter to the Bishop of Tusculum: 'Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry.' We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft-repeated constitution Etsi Pastoralis, sect. 6, n. 21" (Pope Benedict XIV, Encyclical Allatae Sunt, July 26, 1755, n. 29)

One sees that admitting altar girls is a violation of divine law, schismatic act, and liturgical abuse, which is child abuse! Antipope Benedict XVI is also a warlock because he is promoting witchcraft in the Novus Ordo Sect.

Please pray to stop sacrileges, for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!

A Hypocritical Benedict-Ratzinger Embraces a Priestess

Benedict-Ratzinger Embraces an Anglican Priestess
He Claims to Uphold the Catholic Doctrine against Priestesses
But on This Occasion He Eagerly Embraced the Heresy
Is He Hypocritically Flipflopping to the Novus Ordo Side on this Doctrine
As He Has Already Done on So Many Others?

Supposedly Antipope Benedict-Ratzinger upholds the Biblical and Catholic doctrine that woman cannot be priests. Really? Even the usually-clueless Motarians and Newchurchers out there cannot fail to see the hypocrisy in this one. Benedict-Ratzinger, falsely portrayed in some circles as a "traditional" pope, on September 17, 2010, became the first antipope in history to embrace a priestess.

He performed this "act of love" with Jane Hedges, the canon-steward of Westminster Abbey during an hour-long "oecumenical" service at the abbey. Such "oecumenical" services are traditionally condemned in Catholic doctrine. Participating also was the heretical Pseudo-Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, an outspoken advocate for priestesses and bishopesses. The summer 2010 Anglican General Synod moved closer to imposing bishopesses on all national churches within the Anglican communion, whether they like it or not. Many have not, and have gone independent from Williams.

Benedict-Ratzinger was also the first ANTIPOPE to enter the heretical abbey, which was stolen from the Catholic Church by the head of the Anglican sect at the time, King Henry VIII of England. Benedict-Ratzinger joined the heretics in procession as he processed up the aisle of the abbey. The heretical pseudo-archbishop wore his mitre, whereas the antipope wore only a stole as they proceeded side by side through the nave. Benedict-Ratzinger had changed out of the faux Novus Ordo stole that had caused so much scandal. It was blue, not a liturgical color, and was inscribed with the outline of large hearts. It looked like the faux stoles that the more liberalist Protestant ministers now wear. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Daily Telegraph.]

We pray to St. Thomas More that all Catholics shun such false worship and wolves in sheep's clothing.

President Francis George Goes to Washington to Commit Grand Sacrilege in Our Lady's Basilica

Pseudo-Cardinal and Conciliarist President Francis George went to Immaculate Conception Basilica to preside with ALL THE US PSEUDOBISHOPS over an abominable sacrilege for the centennial liturgy of Catholic Charities USA which was broadcasted via EWTN on September 25th, 2010. During the sacrilege, females (dressed like whores) simulated the ministry of lector and deacon. Further, a women on the altar dressed in a very immodest mini-skirt received communion in the hand from George himself. One feminist grab the host on her finger tips as if she was a consecrated priestess. Throughout the irreverent service liturgical abuse was displayed everywhere. We even heard a disregard for the prohibition on piano as liturgical music. All in all this service is ignorance of Pope Benedict XIV's decrees on Sacred Music and male only Ecclesiastical Ministry in Sacred Liturgy.

Anathema to Francis George for his Presidency of Sacrilege!

Anathema to all Pseudobishops and false-clergy who joined this Schism!

Anathema to Mother Angelica's Sect for broadcasting it!

Anyone who has video clips, pictures, or other commentaries to share, please feel free to leave a comment.

Please pray for reparation and stop sacrilege for Liturgical Abuse is Child Abuse!


Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse (LAICA).

Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse or LAICA (Latin--Abusia Liturgicalis Liberi Abusia Est) is a Catholic Network to defend the purity of rubrics and rites of the Sacrosanct Catholic Liturgy against the wicked destruction of innovators and invaders who molest and corrupt the lay youth of today (saecula laica) by means of schismatic creativity, heretical depravity of cult, and impure immorality contained within a unstable praxis that exists as the unorthodox Novus Ordo Modernist Sacrilege.

LAICA wishes to demonstrate by ecclesiastical documents and decrees of the Apostolic See how to obey the legitimate prescriptions of liturgical rites, while also supplying updated evidence of the manifest delicta graviora of abuse to warn the faithful to shun and publicly report such clerical abuse in order to protect themselves, their children, and others from such pseudo-clergy and their wicked abomination unto desolation.

LAICA invites you to actively participate in this blog forum and network with your friends so that the information can be shared on an universal scale, while at the same time participants should take the opportunity to share documents and evidence in form of video, pictures, links, and descriptions about such matters so all can be ready to defend the Catholic Faith against all such impieties by exposing the damned sacrileges and all those who are responsible. We wish by God's grace to be an instrument of healing, peace, and strength for all lay people of today who have been sacrilegiously abused and even outright abandoned by wolves in sheep's clothing.

We with the solid union of the Holy Roman Church strongly warn those who innovate in the rites and rubrics of sacraments and liturgies are committing acts of liturgical abuse which is to be in the state of damnation and anathema, regardless of what rank or status they claim, and they will depart to eternal hell, unless they shall convert to the Orthodox Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church. We earnestly pray for God's Mercy that those who have committed such grave sins against the Holy Mysteries will acknowledge and abjure their error, do penance, and make full amends to all affected as the Holy Mother Church so commands.


Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse (LAICA).

Liturgical Abuse Is Child Abuse or LAICA (Latin--Abusia Liturgicalis Liberi Abusia Est) is a Catholic Network to defend the purity of rubrics and rites of the Sacrosanct Catholic Liturgy against the wicked destruction of innovators and invaders who molest and corrupt the lay youth of today (saecula laica) by means of schismatic creativity, heretical depravity of cult, and impure immorality contained within a unstable praxis that exists as the unorthodox Novus Ordo Modernist Sacrilege.

LAICA wishes to demonstrate by ecclesiastical documents and decrees of the Apostolic See how to obey the legitimate prescriptions of liturgical rites, while also supplying updated evidence of the manifest delicta graviora of abuse to warn the faithful to shun and publicly report such clerical abuse in order to protect themselves, their children, and others from such pseudo-clergy and their wicked abomination unto desolation.

LAICA invites you to actively participate in this blog forum and network with your friends so that the information can be shared on an universal scale, while at the same time participants should take the opportunity to share documents and evidence in form of video, pictures, links, and descriptions about such matters so all can be ready to defend the Catholic Faith against all such impieties by exposing the damned sacrileges and all those who are responsible. We wish by God's grace to be an instrument of healing, peace, and strength for all lay people of today who have been sacrilegiously abused and even outright abandoned by wolves in sheep's clothing.

We with the solid union of the Holy Roman Church strongly warn those who innovate in the rites and rubrics of sacraments and liturgies are committing acts of liturgical abuse which is to be in the state of damnation and anathema, regardless of what rank or status they claim, and they will depart to eternal hell, unless they shall convert to the Orthodox Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church. We earnestly pray for God's Mercy that those who have committed such grave sins against the Holy Mysteries will acknowledge and abjure their error, do penance, and make full amends to all affected as the Holy Mother Church so commands.
